An Honorary Spanish Diva, I am

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

So the new job...

I started on Monday, so I've been working for 3 days now. I like it alot!! *sigh* I feel so relieved. I mean I knew I would like it and knew (more like "I know" ) that I have alot to learn but I am sure I'll get the hang of it.

So it's all going good for overjoys me to be able to finally give my bloggers some good feedback for a change! I'm looking forward to The rest of the year for once!

The only sad part is that today there was a man who brought his 17 yr old German Shepperd for a Euthanasia :( . So sad. I mean its inevitable but no matter what it still hurts when it happens.

Monday, August 27, 2007

The new "Halloween".

Warning: Contains spoilers (even though you should all know the story). Plot details are discussed. Be warned.

And by new I mean a retelling of the original movie, not a sequel.

Robb Zombiie must have gone crazy and remade the original. I can't blame him, it wasn't his idea he was just asked to direct. I saw this movie today and I must was really an unneccessary remake.

You should all know the plot but they beefed it up, LOTS AND LOTS OF GORE AND VIOLENCE, and little more touchups. The movie is split into 2 halves...the first is entirely Michael's childhood, something completely different from the original. They tried to clarify his motives and actions more but still left one confused as it all just seemed more playground for gore.

The second half is his adulthood. The only thing I did find appealing is how they managed to somehow make it seem that Michael's behavior was triggered and not just "an incarnation of evil" as the original was. They also tried to connect Michael's actions to Laurie, his sister (played by Jamie Lee Curtis in the original). I think they tried to execute some sort of sick love, possibly satanic for Laurie but it all was vague and seemed forced when presented in such a bed of violent deaths. However I think to rethink the whole movie they should have done better on the 2nd half instead of just making him into a bloodthirsty killer.

However, I was excited to see Danielle Harris in a Halloween movie again :). She's held a special place in my heart since Halloween 4 as little" Jamie". She plays Annie Brackett. She actually was the victim with the least amount of gore, she got off easy.

Anywho, I wasn't expecting greatness and I found the idea sacriligeous to begin with. But I am a horror fanatic and LOVE the "Halloween" franchise so I decided to give it a shot. We live, we learn.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Howdy ho!

Omg....I completely ran away from this blog the last 2 weeks with no updates!! I am so sorry! It was part personal and part intentional, I just was down, and didn't feel like I had anything to say.

But on a quick note....I would like to formally announce I GOT A NEW JOB! :)

I start tomorrow & I'm excited! I'll be working as a receptionist/front desk for a Veterinary Clinic! I'm up to the challenge as I have never worked with animals before despite my love for puppies. But they obviously believed in my abilities enough to give me a chance so I will make this work. God, this year has been such a nightmare that I am so relieved and excited that it's finally over and I will have a steady position and income. I am looking forward to the last 4 months of this year and may they make up for the first crappy 8 long months I had to endure.

Thank you all for checking here despite no updates. I appreciate the e-love and e-affection :) May the lord bless you all and keep you in good spirits


Para "Anonimo"...

Si....en efectivo mi cuenta en Youtube fue suspendida y yo me niego a regresar. Me podrás encontrar en que es otro sitio de videos y con mucho gusto vuelvo a subir ese y muchos mas videos!

Gracias por buscarme. Te lo agradezco.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Whine up!

Man, every year there's an "urban" pop song in the summer that is just so damn catchy you can't stop singing it for days. 2003 hosted Lumidee's "Never Leave You (uh oh)", the next year it was Nina Sky and their "Move Ya Body", the following year it was Rihanna's "Pon De Replay" and last year it was that damn Cassie with "Me & U".

This year, that award goes to new pop girl Kat De Luna and her song "Whine Up!"

Fuck, I only had to hear this song ONCE and I was already singing it. I can't get it out of my head! Her CD isn't anything special but this song has a killer hook. It's like a mixture of Kelis's "Milkshake" and the aforementioned Nina Sky song.

Loves it!

Other than that, life has been moving the same. I've been rather moody this past week (sorry lover) and I have had anxiety attacks. I'm sure I'll survive as my only cure for these kind of funks is to KEEP working and going. Whatever I'm doing, I have to keep going.



Today's word is "PERFORACIÓN"
And it means "piercing (in noun form)".

"Tiene una perforacion en la nariz" = "He has a nose piercing"

Thursday, August 02, 2007

Cute memory from the vast field of bad ones..

Don't ask how this ever popped into my head..

As a child, I didn't have the happiest of all childhoods..or even anywhere near a conventional family life. To cut straight through all the red tape and go straight to the relevant aspect of my chilhood of this post, I'll say that I was allowed to watch violent action and horror movies at a tender, single digit age as a kid. No questions asked. And as odd as it may seem for a 6 year old to be obsessed with horror movies and NOT be scared or need a night light afterwards, It truly was that way with moi. AND I did not grow up to be a serial killer (shhhh....quiet brain you've said too much). Also, I grew up speaking nothing but Spanish and knew English because of TV. So I didn't have a vast knowledge of the use of the language as a normal kid would have. It's hard enough for an immigrant to fully understand the English language and how its used so imagine me at a tender age to be able to comprehend clichés and figurative speech.

So I remember as a young kid, when this movie came out

"Friday The 13th Part VI: Jason Lives"

I was naive and remember I wanted to see it...but I thought because of the movie poster and subsequent video cover, Jason's name was "Jason Lives". I didn't understand it exactly and didn't register that it was a catchphrase for the movie. I saw the tombstone and for a long time I referred to Jason as "Jason Lives". LOL!! I guess I never paid enough attention to the movies to hear everyone call him Jason Voorhees (his actual name).

Oh lord. I thought it was a cute kid moment. Very few times does a nice memory that makes me smile emerge from the dark pit of my vast mind.



Today's word is "AFINACIÓN".
And it means "tune up, calibration"

"The car needs a tune up" = "El coche necesita una afinación"

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