An Honorary Spanish Diva, I am

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Is life an accident?

Are we all just moments in this galaxy or are we, as living creatures, in control of our destinies? Can we really be in control of our destinies and can change the world or are we simply completing the predetermined goal from eons ago set by fate.

I think whatever is meant to happen has happened and that there is always a balance in this universe. As human beings, this is our time and its inevitable for our time to finish to make way for the next stage.

So don't bother fighting, this is our time, enjoy it


Of course we are in control of our destinies........well, at least the things we can make decisions about. People who argue otherwise are just lazy :)

Right.."the things we can make decisions about" are all consequental and all relative. This is our time and its up to you what you do with it until our inevitable end comes.

it's just so sad watching so many individuals do nothing with their time until that inevitable comes. I don't understand it.

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