An Honorary Spanish Diva, I am

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Crazy people who don't have jobs.

I wrote a review on about "Season 8" of "The Simpsons". Just yesterday. It was short and sweet, gave it five stars and said "this was the last of the "golden years" as after this season they went on a perpetual downhill slope of routine and whacky adventures. A show once so randomly satirical and genius turned to a "guest star" format."

So in turn, some dude writes me


I just read your review on for The Simpsons season eight.
You are a complete lunatic. The Simpsons only got better and funnier
with each subsequent season. You are appallingly overlooking the genius
of seasons 11-13 which were masterful works of absurdist comedy. The
Simpsons continue to put on a strong showing even as it approaches a
two decade run. You clearly have cut yourself off from some of the
funniest episodes of The Simpsons ever made. You need to stop your
ridiculous ranting and see those episodes immediately. How dare you
discourage people from experiencing the sheer joy of nearly half The
Simpsons repertoire under the pretense of a positive review. You have
done one of the finest and most historic shows on television a severe

-An Outraged Fan (

Ridiculous ranting? Says this email. Hahahahaha..I'm a lunatic, says the braying person who took the time out to write me this email. Get a real job dude! It's called an opinion. Jesus, all these George W. Bush fuckers in America are so quick to immediately bash anyone with a different opinion. How much of a fucking loser do you have to be to take time out to write someone attacking them over a fucking Television show?!


finneganbuster needs to get a life. L-O-S-E-R! it's someone's opinion...get over it!

You know, maybe you need to reevaluate the importance of tv shows in other peoples lives. There's a clear distinction between voicing your opinion in the privacy of your own home and criticizing absolute strangers on the internet. If your heart wasn't as cold as your apartment perhaps then you could get off your high horse!


Food for thought!

I totally admire you for getting mad at this things. Not only you spend precious time WRITING one of those reviews, but also READING what some loser emails you about it. I guess for some people, this is the spice of life!!


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