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Monday, October 24, 2005Danielle Harris & a "Pack Of Wolves"
This weekends, as always, was spent working. I didn't do much, but I've been sick so it's not been fun. Yesterday I had a temperature and my supervisor wouldn't let me leave early. Oh well. So today I am off and spent the day in bed, periodically getting up only for bathroom breaks and now, computer break.
So last night I figured I may need something to watch, so I rented 2 "Halloween" films...the expectedly bad "Halloween: Resurrection" starring Busta Rhymes and Miss Tyra Banks. It twas indeed a bad film, but hey, aren't all "horror" movies bad? What was up in the beginning, after Michael kills Laurie Strode, Michael goes up to that one patient and gives him his knife? Was it because he knew he was a geek and would appreciate his murder weapon? I thought it was funny and came out of nowhere. Did anyone see the deleted scenes on the DVD? They cut off a funny part, Michael Myers drives up to his old house, gets out of the car..and as he's standing there, he activates the car alarm..hahahaha. Michael didn't want motherfuckers stealing his ride, u know. The other "Halloween" film I rented was the BRILLIANT and most well-done chapter since the original..."Halloween 5: The Revenge Of Michael Myers". I was 7 when this film came out but didn't see it until a year later in 1990 at the age of 8. I LOVED this movie as a kid, and had not seen it in at least 8 years. I have to buy it one of these days. I remember as a kid I was obsessed with the whole "Jamie" character played by the lovely and talented Danielle Harris, which was obviously named after Jamie Lee Curtis. In "Halloween 4", the story followed the pattern of the original..and Michael Myers is trying to get his niece, Jamie, and kill her. Jamie was the daughter of Laurie Strode (Jamie Lee Curtis), who for unexplained reasons was apparently killed and Jamie has been living with adopted parents. At the end of this film, Jamie attempts to kill his mother and opens up the door for the possibility of another killer. In "Halloween 5", Michael lives and Jamie has been in the Children's Psychiatric Hospital under the care of Dr. Loomis (Donald Pleasance). In this movie, we see that Jamie has developed a telepathic bond with Michael and can see everything he sees and everyone he kills. It was a great angle for this story, very well done and very effective. This is a great horror film. You know, that reminds me of how much of a loser I was as a kid, and would obsess over Danielle Harris. Not because she was cute, and she definitely is, but more so because I thought she was so cool to be in a Halloween series, and I watched her in "Don't Tell Mom The Babysitters Dead" and subsequently on "Roseanne", playing the slutty girl next door neighbor Molly. I always followed her career and would try to see what she was in. I remember I was so happy to see her in "Urban Legends". She was the goth girl. here's a recent pic ![]() Oooooooh! I got something in the mail today!!! My DVD copy of the 1986 Mexican trashtastic soap opera "CUNA DE LOBOS"! At first I thought it as a bootleg, but this is a real DVD that was released in 1997 in MExico!! Wow!!! It's short as fuck but I'm so excited! I can't wait to watch it tonight. ![]() posted by musicbeing at 3:12 PM
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Jamie from Halloween 4 and 5 was indeed quite fierce! In fact, I think those two sequels are horribly underrated! They were scary, gory and suspenseful. It's a crime that H20 and Ressuretion though got so much hype. I am angry that Laurie Strode gets killed and can we really take a horror film seriously with a joke telling "urban" character played by a rap star?
8:22 PM, October 24, 2005
What I'm angry about is that H20 and Ressurection both IGNORED the "Jamie" character...as if she never existed! Those two films were fierce..they should have continued with that story line. I haven't seen Halloween 5 with commentary, but apparently they talk about the story line with the "Man In Black" that frees Michael at the end..and they were trying to build a solid story..but due to financial reasons the project was lost. Then 6 years later in 1995 when Dimension Films bought the rights to the "Michael Myers" character, they tried to continue the plan originally layed out in Halloween 5 but failed miserably. Boy did they.."Halloween 6" was the worst one. IT wasn't even campy enough. I still don't get that movie..So Jamie was held captive this whole time? Who was the father of her baby? Where ws Michael? Why did he kill his own druids? Weird.
10:07 PM, October 24, 2005
I agree, Halloween 6 was a complete mess. it was far fetched and poorly executed. I wonder why they had financial problems. I thought parts 4 and 5 did well. hmmm....
1:02 AM, October 25, 2005
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