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Thursday, October 19, 2006Mexican pride..
During my 24 and then some years here on Earth, I'd say I've been consciously living my life since the age of 10. By that I mean gaining the ability of asking my own questions and beginning the disatachment from the lies the faith and upbringing has placed upon me.The first 10 years were the "seed sowing" years where things I couldn't understand were planted in me and evrything withing this period blossomed into the flower of life. So I've been alive really for 14 years.
During these years, I've gone through many ups and downs. I've tried many things, listened and saw other points of views on my quest to learn what it is about existance that appeals to me so that I may take my part in this universe. I've never defined myself, which is something that I never tried to do. I don't look at my past or at my surroundings and put a label as to what to call me, what to think of me or what to expect from me. That of course doesn't stop others from doing that for me. This is done by analizing my clothes, my speech, the music I listen to and every other aspect of a personality. I've never deterred people from doing so, its human nature to segregate. However, it can be easy to fall into these traps that society places and before you know it you find yourself living a life pre-determined. That's why so many people in the ghetto stick to ghetto life, because they start believing that's what they are. During these times...I've experienced these aforementioned types who try to make a determination of the kind of person I am and attempt to put a label on me. I've been labeled a contradictory amount of things that to recall them makes me laugh. I've heard everything from a beaner, valley girl, nerdy, ghetto, nelly, even to a boy band boy (yeah, lol). It's funny because as I mentioned before, I can never please anyone and no matter what, I can't just be ME. That is why you'll never see me try to associate myself with Mexican pride, homo pride, fat pride or any other activity that purports to make people into one dimentional beings when in reality, all our layers make us people, not just one. I like every part about me and all the litttle fibers of my years on earth that have bled into my body and soul to make me who I am today, that is why I don't bother to only focus on one of them. I'm gay, I'm a lover, I'm a poet and an anarchist. But most importanly..I'm a person and I'm alive This came up lately because someone made a comment about me regarding the fact that I'm very vocal and open to talking about Mexico and the music I like. As if somehow it is rare for someone to be PROUD of it as others seem to take their ethnicity as a detrimental part of their acceptance in society. I tried my best to explain "I don't go out of my way to be proud of anything, I'm just me." Thanks for reading ------------------------------ posted by musicbeing at 12:21 AM
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Well, you seem to be insinuating anyone who takes pride in a particular aspect of their personality ultimately ignores everything else which makes them unique. I guess I don;t understand that. If you are mexican....and gay...well you can celebrate your own individual diversity by celebrating both. You make everything seem so black and white. There is so much to do and discover in this world that if you simply refuse to participate because of the fear of typecasting yourself, then you actually accomplish what you tried so hard to avoid: you become an empty shell. Embrace all of the parts of you and embrace the ways you can incorporate those many fragments of your persona in the world. That's not labeling yourself, it's just living!
11:17 AM, October 19, 2006
When you indeed are "living", there's no need to vocally celebrate and focus on one or two of any part of yourself because life is the celebration. If I were to become blind or crippled or diseased, would I go on then to celebrate either things? These attributes are "Earthly" circumstances and things that makes us unique, yet we wouldn't go on and on about how proud we are to be crippled, blid or diseased..because we'd go on living, right? Somehow people do this with these circumstances yet don't for other attributes like the ones mentioned above
Thanks for your feedback
2:47 PM, October 19, 2006
Well, then don;t focus on just one thing like some people do. As much as you don't understand someone who maybe very vocal about one particular attribute you should realize these people can look at you and not understand why you purposely go out of your way NOT to acknowledge one aspect of your persona. If it your indifference happens naturally then so be it, but when you go out of your way to be indifferent you aren't really accomplishing anything.
I will probably get scolded for comparing you to another certain friend of mine, but Ben goes out of his way to prove to people how un-mexican he really is because he basically feels the same way you do on this topic. I can understand that. No one should be solely characterized based on where his/her parents were born. However, the fact that he goes out of his way to disassociate himself so he isn't labeled actually does the opposite and brings him a whole new batch of labels. Do you get what I mean? Anyhoo, I am writing this not because I want to compare you to ben but when I hear people talk like you do I start to suspect if there is some sort of underlying and more serious problem (cuz in Ben's case I know what the problem is and it isn't what you would think!)
Anyhoo, take care!
4:27 PM, October 19, 2006
you completely misunderstood my post as somehow you've reached the opposite conclusion that u should have.
And me and Ben both come from the same ghetto so its OK anyway. I actually had the same issues he had..but I dealt with that during my teenage years. I outgrew that.
Re-read the last part of my post, maybe you'll understand what I mean
5:44 AM, October 20, 2006
You're such a beaner Rob. :)
4:19 PM, October 20, 2006
i really loved this post!
7:00 PM, November 14, 2006
let me rephrase... i ABSOLUTELY loved this post!!! (así está mejor ¿no?)
7:01 PM, November 14, 2006
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