An Honorary Spanish Diva, I am

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Son tus perfumenes mujer....

There are quite a few things that disgust me, however I find this one peculiar as its purpose has the opposite intention.

I cannot stand the smell of perfume or cologne! Ever since I was a kid, I grew disgusted of them and never liked them. I think it stems down because my mom had this cheap perfume that she would love to douse herself with called Taboo. Every Sunday when we would be out and about, I remember getting nauseous in the back seat as the fragrance attacked every single one of my orefices with no mercy. I think I may have even vomitted in the car once.

As a teenager and especialy a latino one in the ghetto, everybody would start wearing cologne and it was just unbearable going to high school and everyone wore it. I couldn't escape it! And during those times people aren't even sure of how much to use of it and end up smelling like a perfume factory. To this day there's grown men who haven't mastered the art.

Fragrances are just not sexy to me, the artificial smell of it makes me gag. And I have an incredibly strong sense of smell too so its simply murder.



My ex also has an incredible sense of smell. I'd come to his place after dinner and give him a hug, and he'd be able to tell me almost exactly what was on the menu that night. Anything anyone says about smells makes me think of him. Oh... and I miss him on quiet, peaceful Sunday mornings like today.


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