An Honorary Spanish Diva, I am

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Re: Imbalance

I think some of you misunderstood my last post as some sort of statement on my future. I apologize. I've been going thru alot of issues and my "career' wasn't the sole purpose of it all.

However, some real interesting observations on my life were brought up because of this post. Whilst I appreciate all the feedback, I can't help but comment on something..

I do not feel sorry for myself or wish that I be in someplace other than where I am. I may not have a career but I'm an adult who supports himself without anyone's help. No one is paying my rent so I don't want anyone out there "feeling sorry for me" as if I'm some sort of tragedy. Call me a loser all you want but no one's feeding me.

This takes me back to a "party" I went to once. I was conversing with this older man about something, laughing, having a good time. Then he asked me what I did for a living to which I said I worked at Corner Bakery (at the time). His face just changed in appalment as if I was insane! Then comes the inevitable "But you're so smart!".

I understand people have their careers and their own values as to what's important, but not everyone is going to lead the same life as you and not everyone is going to be at the same step in the walk of like that you were at that person's age or whatever other deciding factor. There is no need to judge others into thinking they're inferior for not being "at your level".And again, I'm getting by on my own, I fail to see why it should be anyone else's business as to how I get there.

I'm not hurting anyone and am still here. There's no need for people to superimpose their own goals unto me. Don't think just because you're working retail or elsewhere thats not deemed "acceptable" I must be a retard or lazy. Different steps for different folks.

To those out there who genuinely care for me (and u guys know who you are), don't construe this as a personal statemet to you. I know when you reach out to me its because you are offering guidance and NOT blind judgement. I just had to comment on this and hopefully educate people who project these things into thinking twice and seeing things from the other side as well.


It's "different strokes for different folks" mister!

I like what you said, but don't you dare let me catching acting or saying otherwise this year because I will ream you out!

i meant "catching you"

Weno, no pienso poner nada nuevo. Simplemente para decirte ke eres parte de mis links, jiji.

Shit, I'm nearly 30 and still don't have my shit together. Like you say, we all get there at our own pace.

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